What Percent Is Magnesium Bisglycinate And Magnesium Oxide?

This is quite technical as it relates to the third party lab testing done on all of our products & in this case our Magnesium Bisglycinate. According to our external testing done on this batch on March 4th 2022, each capsule weighs 800 MG. The weighting of this is broken down as follows: Magnesium Oxide 379.31 MG, Magnesium Bisglycinate 275.00 MG, Magnesium Stearate Vegetable Grade 9.69 MG, Veggie Capsule Size "00" 136.00 MG.

To answer your question, there is 275.00 MG Magnesium Bisglycinate per capsule & that is 34.375% of the capsule.

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